Recorded from War Room Studios in Albuquerque, NM : 8/29/17
This episode brought to you by Tasty Minstrel Games,, and Meeple Realty. Brandon is back from Gen Con and his voice is a little on the raspy side... Meanwhile Josh is drinking high quality whiskey from a plastic bottle. Josh makes a call to #TeamJosh to purposefully stress Brandon out. #NoBrotherLeftBehind. Don't forget to email Dracul at Do you even board game, bro??? Make sure you check out our feature segment in Across the Board Episode 14 - hilarity! We conclude our Tikal Giveaway, courtesy of Games Surplus . Brandon recaps Gen Con 50 in epic fashion, while being constantly badgered by Josh. He even manages to create one of the coolest words ever - INSCAPED.
Coupon Code: Save 10% on your purchases with Meeple Realty by using the coupon code: bb17
00:00:00 - This episode sponsored by Tasty Minstrel Games,, Arcane Wonders, & Meeple Realty
00:00:45 - Intro and Banter
00:16:50 - Board Game Tables . com - Building the Premiere Board Game Table
00:18:15 - TNT: Then - War Room Redeaux
00:38:38 - TNT: Now
00:58:30 - TNT: Tomorrow - Featuring Now Boarding and Vegas Wits & Wagers
01:08:05 - Have you checked out the Tasty Minstrel Games Podcast?
01:09:52 - Tikal (Super Meeple Ed) Giveaway courtesy of Game Surplus
01:15:26 - Feature Segment : Gen Con 50 Recap
01:20:27 - Meeple Realty inserts cut down on the setup time of your games!
02:06:15 - Summit Charity Event results
878 Vikings - 02:15:00
Barenpark - 00:52:40
Big Trouble in Little China - 01:46:50
Blurble - 01:51:55
Cerebria - 01:55:40
Champions of Hara - 01:54:34
Clank in Space - 01:41:05
Codenames Duet - 01:51:05
Covert - 00:45:00
Ex Libris - 01:41:05
Fallout - 01:38:30
Garbage Day : 00:24:00
Kill the Unicorns - 01:55:00
Lorenzo il Magnifico : 00:39:10
Now Boarding - 00:59:15
Pandemic Legacy : 00:32:00
Pandemic Legacy Season 2 - 01:43:40
Scythe : 00:26:25
Stockpile - 02:03:15
Summit - 02:06:15
Super Wits & Wagers : Superheroes vs Supervillians - 02:05:00
Too Many Bones - 01:40:45
Unearth - 01:57:03
Vegas Wits & Wagers - 01:02:50
Viceroy : 00:23:00