Recorded from War Room Studios in Albuquerque, NM : 6/26/18
This episode brought to you by Inside Up Games, Tasty Minstrel Games, Arcane Wonders & Meeple Realty. Josh makes some lofty claims about Brandon's catch phrase and then proceeds to educate everyone on the Mandella Effect. Willy Wonka and his motives are questionable, but Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory would make an EXCELLENT designer board game! We highlight some incredible kickstarters, including Gorus Maximus from Inside Up Games - Our Carthago Review highlights one of our favorite games of Origins 2018, but the convention coverage doesn't stop there! Tune in as we highlight Escape Plan, The Mind, Coimbra, Luxor, Decrypto and more hotness from our recent trip to Columbus, Ohio for Origins 2018! We wrap things up with a brief recap of our Origins EXPERIENCE, so much great talk - from food, to drink, friends and fun... and don't you dare forget highlights from one of the greatest meetups EVER! Tune in and relive Origins 2018 with us!
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